
♥ Doing what I create!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Easy Sachet Fillers

As I am making sachet envelopes to put into my online store I was thinking about adding a few easy sachet filler recipes and then thought well shucks why not add them to my blog!

So here you go..

Easy Sachet Fillers

Scented sachets have been used for centuries in wardrobes, linen closets and entire rooms to freshen areas with the scent of herbs and flowers. They’ve even been used to repel moths from clothing. More recently, sachets filled with herbs and flowers have been used as favors at parties and events. These small scented pouches are a craft that can be assembled quickly and easily at home.

Fill your sachet envelope/pouch halfway full with the flowers or wood shavings of your choice. You can buy commercial potpourri at most craft or mass retailers. You can also use herbs or flowers from your own garden. Make sure that they are completely dry  before using them in your sachets. To help keep your sachets smelling sweet or to make the scent stronger, you can add essential/fragrance oils to your sachet filler before placing in into the pouches. These oils can be purchased at most craft stores.

A couple easy filler how to's

The great thing about this project is that you can use pretty much any leftover herbs, potpourri( crushed), or even loose herbal tea to fill sachets with.  To liven up their aroma, add a few drops of Essential Oil to the mixture.  Lavender, Rose, or Grapefruit are all popular aromas for sachets.  You can also use a few drops of your favorite Candle Fragrance Oil to add extra aroma to your sachets.

Processed Corn Cob Additive - Put some ground corn cob material (sold as cellulose, or litter material at your Walmart or pet store) in a jar. Add several drops of essential oil or Fragrance oil, place lid on jar and shake. Shake jar about once every day or so for about 10 days. **Put 2 cups corn cobs into jar and add 1 oz fragrance. This ratio is just a good starting point and can be adjusted according to your desired strength.

Wood shavings (not sawdust) obtainable from pet stores, hold scents for a long time. Soak them in food coloring and essential oils then drain them onto paper towels. Allow the wood chips to dry well - several days - or stains will appear on the sachet from the oils. In place of the essential oils you can use perfumes or talcs but powders are best made into a box sachet.

Pour essential/fragrance oils onto thin foam pieces and allow to dry. Cut the foam into tiny slivers and fill a sachet. Soak small silk flowers  or even other pieces of fabric in essential oils for sachets. After soaking a cloth and allowing it to dry roll it up and place it in the sachet bag. You can also cut up incense sticks or cones and fill a sachet with their wonderful aromas.

Use scented gel candles to make quick sachets by pulling small pieces from the candle, rolling them into tiny balls, and putting them in the sachet cloth. Scented wax candles can simply be shaved and the pieces tucked into a sachet.

Unscented clay cat litter ( I buy mine at walmart in a red bag) Use as you would the corn cob filler- 2 cups corn cobs into jar and add 1 oz fragrance. This ratio is just a good starting point and can be adjusted according to your desired strength.


    * Do not set these sachets on wood surfaces as the oils can stain the wood!
    * Do not set them on painted surfaces or plastic surfaces as the oils can damage these surfaces!
    * Keep out of the reach of children and pets!
    * To refresh your sachet, simply add a few drops of refresher oil to the filling in the sachet.

These are just a few EASY and fairly inexpensive ways to make Sachet fillers and I hope you have fun making your filler weather for gifts or to add into sachets and sell!  
psst..if you need some envelopes do check out my zibbet store! heehee 
Big ((Hugs))

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