
Thursday, July 11, 2013

My recycled strawberry ladder planter inspiration

So I have another pinterest project to share with you that I did.

 "My recycled strawberry ladder planter inspiration"

  AS it be, I was looking around on pinterest.. (addicting right?!)
 looking for some ladder recycling idea's and I came across this cute ladder planter 
from the pink hammer blog. 
picture credit the pink hammer blog
 Oh what she did to an old ladder (pictured above) is so freaking cute. 
I mean a cpl coats of paint and the right placement in the yard and then add some flower pots plus flair,  
equal cute.. cute... CUTENESS!

She did a beautiful job talking about the steps she did and with pictures.
Please be sure to check it out:

So being inspired by her project, (thank you Kelly) 
I decided to do something with my old ratty ladder that I had.
 Being that I love the aqua color too, I also painted my ladder in the Aqua color. 
It didn't take long and I had the color on hand from when I did the water hose post 
that I shared on a earlier project on here.

Unfortunately, I did not take pictures to make a step by step like she did, 
so this is not a DIY.

This is my show and tell if you will. :)

After painting it, I placed it in my garden and I thought..hmm this would be a great place for my strawberrys.
 Well, after my hubby saw it he took it a bit further on the recycling.
He decided to make "flower boxes" to put on the ladder.

You know what he used?
He took the top rail parts of an old above intex kiddie pool we had and bolted them together using a piece of wood for the bottom and metal roof flashing for the sides and made these recycled planter boxes for my strawberries!

How cute, right?!

So we slid those in the ladder and planted my strawberry plants and now I have a cute recycled strawberry ladder planter in my garden. 

As you see, we didn't stop there. I actually had some old scrap wood laying around so my hubby built a easy no frills bird house that I then painted white and we attached it to the top of the ladder. 
Now the birdies have a little resting area. 

I just love it. 

Now I can look out my kitchen window into my garden and see a splash of color, 
even on a cloudy rainy day like today! LoL

I love how a simple idea makes a huge impact.
Not just in my garden, but on the environment as well.

Are you inspired now to recycle something?


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